一、教育经历 1996.09-1999.06; 香港中文大大学,建筑系本科 2001.09-2004.11; 香港理工大学,屋字设备工程系,绿色建筑经济学方向硕士 2016.12-2019.10; 俄罗斯西伯利亚联邦大学,建筑及城市设计学院博士
二、工作经历 1999.07-2001.08; 雅砌建筑设计有限公司 建筑师助理 2005.01-2012.11; 米工坊设计公司 展览及空间总设计师 2013.01-2016.11; 香港理工大学屋宇设备工程系 研究助理 2020.04-2021.08; 香港理工大学建筑及房地产学系 博士后 2021.09-2023.03; 香港理工大学建筑环境及能源工程学系 副研究员
三、代表性论文 Leung, T.M. (2022). An Investigation on the Use of Deep Generative Model in Urban Land Use Planning. Proceedings of the 29th ISUF International Conference. Lodz, Poland. Leung, T.M. (2021). A Parametric Urban Design Model to Optimize Life Cycle Carbon Footprint of Green Open Spaces. Proceedings of the 28th ISUF International Conference. Glasgow, U.K. Chung, W.K., Leung, T.M., Chau, C.K. and Tang, S.K. (2020). Comparing the effects of visibility of different neighborhood greenery settings on the preference ratings and noise annoyance responses to road traffic noises. Applied Acoustics, 169(1). Chau, C.K., Leung, T.M., Xu, J.M. and Tang, S.K. (2018). Modelling Noise Annoyance Responses to Combined Road Traffic and Sea Sounds while Exposed to Composite Neighborhood Views. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(6):3503-3513 Leung, T. M., Chau, C. K., Tang, S. K., & Xu, J. M. (2017). Developing a multivariate model for predicting the noise annoyance responses due to combined water sound and road traffic noise exposure. Applied Acoustics, 127, 284-291. Leung, T. M., Xu, J. M., Chau, C. K., Tang, S. K., & Pun-Cheng, L. S. C. (2017). The effects of neighborhood views containing multiple environmental features on road traffic noise perception at dwellings. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(4), 2399-2407.